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Scientific Session
AI - Air-Sea Interaction
- AI01 Air-Sea Interaction and Climate Variability in the Atlantic Ocean: Observations, Modeling, and Theories
- AI02 Under the Weather: Using Active and Passive Microwave Observations to Study Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions
- AI03 Fluxes and Physical Processes Near the Air-Sea Interface: Observations and Modeling
- AI04 Extratropical climate variability and change associated with air-sea interactions
- AI05 The role of ocean-atmosphere dynamics in global climate
- AI06 Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: From Weather to Climate
- AI08 Towards an understanding of how multiscale ocean-atmosphere interactions modulate fluxes in the air-sea boundary layer
- AI09 Tropical Pacific process study experiments: Improved understanding through observations, modeling and data assimilation
- AI10 Global atmosphere-ocean coupled simulations at km-scale resolution and the application to the design of future satellite missions that focus on surface winds and ocean currents
- AI11 Subtropical Air-Sea Interaction
CT - Chemical Tracers, Organic Matter and Trace Elements
- CT01 Temporal Variability of Bioactive Trace Elements in the Ocean: Towards Constraining Drivers, Mechanisms and Timescales
- CT02 Anthropogenic contaminants in nearshore and offshore environments: Occurrence, Distribution, Fate and Bioaccumulation
- CT03 Advances in understanding of the biogeochemical processes shaping the basin-scale distributions of trace elements and their isotopes
- CT04 Chemical methods to understand marine plastic pollution quantities, sources, transport, fate, impacts, and solutions
- CT05 The Marine Nitrogen Cycle
- CT06 Marine Carbonate System Measurements and Intercomparability
- CT07 Multidisciplinary insights into pathways of carbon export
- CT09 Biogeochemistry of marine particles: from coastal to deep ocean
- CT10 Sources, sinks, and cycling of trace elements in coastal and near-shore systems
- CT11 Mercury transformations in marine ecosystems
CP - Coastal and Estuarine Hydrodynamics and Sediment Processes
- CP01 Protecting Coastlines Using Nature-Based Solutions
- CP02 Wave impact on coastal infrastructures, ecosystems, and communities in the changing climate
- CP03 Nearshore Processes
- CP04 Coastal connections: Material transport between Land, Estuaries and the Shelf
- CP05 Storm-induced Coastal Impacts: Prediction, Monitoring, Response, and Mitigation
- CP06 Processes and Management of Altered Estuaries and Deltas in the Anthropocene Epoch
- CP07 Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Dynamics
- CP08 Autonomous and Remotely-Operated System-Based Characterization of Nearshore and Riverine Environments
- CP09 Sediment Delivery, Transport, and Deposition in Marine and Lacustrine Environments
- CP10 Buoyancy-Driven Flows in estuaries, continental shelves and polar regions
- CP11 Advances in non-linear wave modeling with complex structure interactions
- CP12 Remote Sensing of Nearshore Processes and Coastal Morphology
CB - Coastal and Estuarine Biology and Biogeochemistry
- CB01 Linking the ice, land, and ocean systems in the Gulf of Alaska: Collaborative research across scientific disciplines
- CB02 Submarine groundwater discharge – a global phenomenon with local effects
- CB03 The carbon cycle across the land-ocean continuum: scientific advances and insights for blue carbon policy
- CB04 PACE, GLIMR and SBG: Synergy across Future NASA Missions for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Coastal and Inland WatersAI08 Towards an understa
- CB05 Advancing Water Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in Coastal and Inland Waters
- CB06 Going to the extreme: Biogeochemical responses of coastal ecosystems to storms and fires
- CB07 Estuaries as hot-spots of microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling
- CB08 Biogeochemical dynamics at the terrestrial-aquatic interface
- CB09 Trans- and interdisciplinary connections in tropical coastal and estuarine processes
- CB10 High-latitude, seasonally-contrasting, estuaries
- CB11 Linking microbes and biogeochemical cycles where the land meets the water using ‘omics and beyond
- CB12 Coastal Acidification in a Multistressor Ocean
- CB13 Acidification in the Gulf of Mexico – chemical changes, biological and ecological responses
- CB14 Transformation and Fate of Terrestrial Organic Matter at the Land-Ocean Interface and Beyond
- CB15 Application of Remote Sensing to Societally Important Regions: Coastal, Estuarine, Tropical and Polar Waters”
- CB16 Advancing our understanding of biogeochemical coupling with models and observations in estuaries and coastal waters
- FF - Fish and Fisheries
HL - High Latitude Environments
- HL01 Ice-Ocean Interactions and Circulation around the Antarctic Margins
- HL02 The Arctic Ocean's changing Beaufort Gyre
- HL03 Ecosystem processes and structure in a changing Arctic
- HL04 Floe-scale sea ice processes: constraints from observations and models
- HL06 Advances in understanding the circulation and carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean
- HL07 Arctic ocean gateways - changes, processes, and impacts
- HL08 The physics and biogeochemistry of melting coastal margins: Interactions between glaciers, permafrost, circulation, sea ice, elemental cycling, and ecosystems
- HL09 The role of Southern Ocean ecology in the Earth system: integrating across scales, disciplines, and methods
- HL10 Arctic Ocean changes and processes
- HL11 Arctic Ocean processes, progress, and potential explored through synthesis supported research
- HL12 Uncovering the Dark Secrets of the Central Arctic Ecosystem
- HL13 Coastal Circulations and Biogeochemical Processes in High Latitudes in a Changing Climate
- HL14 Autonomous Sensing and Monitoring in Polar Environnments
- HL15 Air-Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Changing Arctic
- HL16 Sources and consequences of Southern Ocean freshening: Toward synthesising observations and modelling
- HL17 The Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle: Past, present and future
- HL18 Ocean Science for Ocean Worlds
- IS - Islands and Reefs
ME - Marine Ecology and Biodiversity
- ME01 From nutrients and phytoplankton to fish: understanding the mechanisms shaping energy and mass flux in marine food webs
- ME02 The size structure of aquatic ecosystems: from theory to applications
- ME03 Mixotrophs and Mixotrophy: Driving the Direction of Future Research
- ME04 Getting things right: Sex analysis for ocean science and conservation in response to climate change
- ME05 Roles of the marine mobilome in the diversification of bacteria and archaea
- ME06 The Fragile Food Web: Dynamics and impacts of gelatinous zooplankton and other understudied organisms
- ME07 Marine microplastics: Occurrence, transport, effects, and solutions
- ME09 Exploring and Characterizing Deep and Coastal Ocean Soundscapes
- ME10 Evaluating changing ocean conditions for marine social-ecological systems including applications for fisheries, aquaculture, and ecosystem-based management
- ME11 Impacts of ecological interactions on marine ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity: New insights from theory, models, and field measurements
- ME12 The importance of benthic fauna in modern ocean- understanding patterns and processes
- ME13 Marine Life 2030: Advancing Earth Observations and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) to Measure and Interpret Marine Biodiversity for Global Sustainability
- ME14 Infectious Disease Spread and Impact in a Changing Ocean
- ME15 New Solutions for New Data: Machine Learning for in Situ Observations of Aquatic Life
- ME16 Pelagic biodiversity: assessment, evolution, maintenance, and stewardship
- ME17 Marine Symbiosis: A key player in the trophic transfer of nutrients and chemical transformations throughout the ocean
- ME18 Advances in seascape ecology for understanding marine spatial patterning and complexity
- ME19 Effects of warming on ecosystems: from traits to food webs
- ME20 Zooplankton diversity through space and time
DS - Deep Sea Processes and Exploration
- DS01 Deep-sea ecosystem response to physical disturbances
- DS02 Wonder and Discovery in the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, and Beyond: New Research and Exploration from Australia
- DS03 Discovering the Unknown Ocean: NOAA Ocean Exploration 2001 – 2021
- DS04 Sedimentation and redistribution of natural sediments and the introduction of anthropogene contaminants into the deep sea.
- DS05 Time Travel, Legacy and Frontiers: Scientific Ocean Drilling Connects the Past, Present and Future workings of our planet
- DS06 Deep-sea Mining: Environmental risks and ecological baselines
- DS07 Advancing Ocean Exploration Technology
- DS08 The impact of submarine hydrothermal and volcanic activity on ocean chemistry and biology
- DS09 Catalyzing Atlantic discovery: New insights into deepwater biological and geological exploration of the Atlantic basin
OB - Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry
- OB01 New approaches for the study of the biogeochemistry and microbial ecology of marine oxygen deficient zones
- OB02 Marine fungi and fungi-like organisms
- OB04 Small bugs with a big impact: linking plankton ecology with ecosystem processes
- OB05 Drivers and consequences of marine dissolved oxygen depletion: from estuaries to the open ocean
- OB06 Population-resolved marine microbial activity
- OB07 Research Opportunities from a Global Biogeochemical Argo Fleet
- OB08 Quantifying marine microbial processes
- OB09 Quantifying the Ocean Carbon Sink
- OB11 Beyond bulk measurements: applying micro- and nanotechnologies to understand marine microbial interactions and biogeochemical cycling
- OB12 Coupling the silica cycle to marine macronutrient and trace metal biogeochemical cycles
- OB13 Marine snow and the biological, chemical, and physical processes that control its fate
- OB14 The evolving ocean carbon sink: what is the contribution of biological processes?
- OB15 The Wizard of O2
- OB16 Compound-Specific Isotopes in Marine Ecology and Biogeochemistry: Analysis and Applications.
- OB18 Illuminating the ecological and biogeochemical dynamics of the Twilight Zone
- OB19 Moving beyond Trichodesmium: assessing the importance of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs and other previously overlooked nitrogen-fixers in marine ecosystems
- OB20 Towards BioGeoSCAPES: Linking cellular metabolism with ocean biogeochemistry
- OB23 Impact of Large River Systems on the Ocean
- OB25 Convergent approaches to elucidating viral impacts on the oceanic carbon cycle
- OB27 Expanding Frontiers In Productivity and Flux from Ocean Optics
- OB28 Marine photochemistry and photobiology, local and global impacts in a changing ocean
OD - Ocean Data Science, Analytics, and Management
- OD01 Artificial Intelligence in Ocean Modelling
- OD02 Advances in Data Science for Ocean Uncertainty Quantification
- OD03 Realizing the Promise of Marine AI: Moving from Research to Operations
- OD04 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Ocean Data, Modeling and Applications
- OD05 Advances in the analysis and representation of spatio-temporal data
- OD06 Advances in Machine Learning for Oceanographic Sensing Applications
- OD07 Sharing the Wealth: Overcoming Barriers and Finding Opportunities for Community-Based Solutions to Data Sharing
- OD09 Ocean Visualization: Extracting insight, interactive analysis, exploration, and outreach
- OD10 Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Hazards Associated with Coastal Processes
- OD11 The uptake of data by citizen scientists, aggregators and end-users: successes, challenges and gaps in the dataflow
- OD12 Big Data for a Big Ocean 2022
- OD13 Real-time automated decision making for ecosystem study and management
- OD15 Analyzing Sea Ice with Machine Learning Techniques
OM - Ocean Modeling
- OM01 Coupling Coastal Hydrodynamic and Hydrologic Models Using a Community-Based Approach
- OM02 Pairing autonomous monitoring with modeling to expand capacity and develop new understanding of coastal ocean systems
- OM03 Advances in Ocean Data Assimilation, Forecasting, and Reanalysis
- OM04 Studying the Ocean with Adjoint Models
- OM05 Seasonal to Centennial Global Coupled Coastal Modeling
- OM06 Ocean Modeling Supporting and Informing the Decision Making Process for Resilience, Navigation, and the Blue Economy
- OM07 Advances in Computational Oceanography
OT - Ocean Technologies and Observatories
- OT01 Connecting ocean science, conservation and management needs and solutions through emerging technologies and approaches
- OT02 Ushering in a new era of hyperspectral and polarimetric radiometry for remote sensing of global ocean ecosystems
- OT03 Towards best practices for using imaging systems for plankton monitoring
- OT04 Leveraging Existing Marine Platforms for Ocean Observing: Engaging Commercial and Professional Sectors on Local, Regional, and Global Scales
- OT05 Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs). Technology Trends and Improvements on Observing Applications for the Ocean Decade
- OT06 Ocean Observatory Science – Connecting Processes from Events to Climate
- OT07 Recent Advances in Seafloor Mapping: Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation, and Application
- OT08 Emerging Technologies and Algorithms for Inland, Coastal, and Oceanic Remote Sensing
- OT09 From Origins to Oceans: Detecting and Monitoring Plastic Pollution using Emerging Technologies, Sensors, and Instrument Applications.
- OT10 Advances in Ocean Remote Sensing and Data Science: from Instrument to Solutions Showcase
- OT11 Lidar Technology for the Estimation of the Surface and Vertical Ocean Physical, Optical, and Biogeochemical Properties
- OT13 Acoustical Remote Sensing of Ocean Parameters and Processes
- OT14 Innovative Applications of Operational and Emerging Ocean Satellite Observations
- OT15 Measuring, Modeling, and Mitigating Environmental Effects of Ocean Renewable Energy
- OT17 Ocean Observation for the Small Island Developing State (SIDS)
- OT18 Seafloor geodesy: An oceanographic perspective
- OT19 IoT and Distributed Sensing in Ocean Science and Research
OC - Climate and Ocean Change
- OC03 Towards understanding coastal sea-level variability and change
- OC04 Mesoscale eddies and their roles in the climate system: characteristics, dynamics, mechanisms, and interactions with the mean flow and the overlying atmosphere
- OC05 Sea level in a warming world: global changes and large-scale processes
- OC06 Indian Ocean intraseasonal-to-interdecadal variability and its role in regional and global climate
- OC07 Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: present and future changes and their impacts on marine ecosystems
- OC08 Multiple Stressors: from ocean physics to ecosystem function
- OC09 Seasonal-to-decadal forecasting of the marine environment
- OC10 From the Antarctic margin to the open ocean: discerning variability and change in the Southern Ocean
- OC11 Advancing Paleoclimate Studies of Global Change: Novel Proxies, Methods, and Insights
- OC12 ENSO dynamics and its impact on other basins based on theory, observation and modeling
- OC13 Dynamic linkages between paleoceanography, paleoecology and tectonic evolution across the Cenozoic
- OC14 Beyond a research dialogue: progress in testing marine CO2 removal methods
- OC15 Ocean Acidification: Processes and Consequences in the Past and the Present and for Future Mitigation Strategies
- OC16 Marine Climate Extremes: PART 1 Mechanisms, Predictability & Coastal Impacts
- OC17 Toward Predictive Understanding of Pacific Decadal Variability and its Global Implications
- OC18 Marine Climate Extremes: PART 2 Regional Downscaling & Climate Projections
- OC19 Icefield2Ocean and Ridge2Reef: A Collaborative Cross-Regional Approach to Actionable Climate Adaptation Science in Alaska and Pacific Islands Watershed Ecosystems
- OC20 Marine Climate Extremes: PART 3 Biogeochemical Extremes and Ecosystems Response
- OC21 GO-SHIP: Integrating physical, chemical, and biological oceanography using Global Repeat Hydrographic Surveys
- OC22 Science and Application of Equitable Solutions to Future Sea-Level Rise
- OC24 Observing Coastal Climate Change- Integrating across Global to Local Scales to Improve Understanding and Response
- OC25 Oceans and Human Health: Climate Change, Food Safety, and Emerging Contaminants
PL - Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Larger
- PL01 Multi-scale transport of oceanographic tracers: mean flow, stirring, and mixing
- PL02 El Niño in a changing climate
- PL03 Ocean Heat Transport Across Scales: Mechanisms and Impacts
- PL04 Indian Ocean circulation and its impact on air-sea interactions, biogeochemistry and ecology
- PL05 Ventilation, circulation and mixing of the deep ocean: Observing and modeling the deep and bottom limbs of the meridional overturning circulation
- PL06 Mesoscale Eddy Energy and Ocean Transport
- PL07 Mechanisms for Variability, Circulation, and Transformation of Water Masses in the Southern Ocean
- PL08 Variability of the South Atlantic Circulation and its Inter-Basin Linkages and their role in the Climate System and Marine Ecosystems.
- PL09 Tides in the past, present and future
- PL10 Low-Latitude Ocean Dynamics
- PL11 Key uncertainties challenging our understanding of the responses of Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems to climate variability and change
- PL12 Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Dynamics
PS - Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Smaller
- PS01 Inter-scale connections and transfers in mesoscale, submesoscale, and boundary layer turbulence
- PS02 Multi-scale turbulent mixing of the ocean surface boundary layer
- PS03 The challenge of understanding rapidly changing small-scale ocean dynamics: preparation for SWOT
- PS04 Vertical Transport: Connecting the Surface to the Deep
- PS05 Oceanic interscale connectivity: larger-scale dynamics influencing coastal regions
- PS06 Oceanic Insights from Seismic Oceanography - high-resolution, full-depth and temporally varying 2D/3D oceanic surveys
- PS07 Understanding Coupled Ocean Wind, Current and Wave Processes through Remotely Sensed and In Situ Observations
- PS08 Physical processes driving transport & dispersal of particles in the ocean
- PS09 Sea ice - ocean interactions at the meso- to submesoscales in polar regions
- PS10 Oceanic fronts observations and dynamics across different spatiotemporal scales
- PS11 The dynamics of interacting internal waves and (sub)mesoscale flows
PI - Physical-Biological Interactions
- PI01 Meso- and submesoscale processes in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems: blind spots in global climate assessment
- PI02 Ecological Fluid Mechanics - Interactions among Organisms and their Fluid Environment
- PI03 Western Boundary Current-Continental Shelf Interactions
- PI04 Investigating the impact of (sub)mesoscale ocean dynamics on intermediate and upper trophic levels
- PI05 Shelf-break frontal dynamics: integrating biological, biogeochemical and physical observations for a holistic view of ecosystem function
- PI06 Marine Animals as Ecosystem Indicators
- PI07 Biogeochemical-Physical Interactions in the Tropical Oceans
- PI08 Dynamic Coastal Change: Knowledge, Gaps, and Decision-Support
- PI09 New insights into submesoscale ocean biogeochemistry
OS - Ocean Sustainability and the UN Decade
- OS02 Integrated, long-term ocean observations support a sustainable future through adaptive ecosystem-based management
- OS03 Successes and challenges in restoring marine foundation species
- OS05 Indigenous Connections to Water: The Importance of Sustainable Water Resources, Inclusive Practices, and Honoring Pilina
- OS06 E is for equity: centering ocEan science beyond the Ocean Decade
- OS07 Environmental indicators of plastic pollution in the North Pacific
- OS09 Oceans of Conflict and Climate Change: In Search of Pathways for Sustainable and Equitable Oceans and Coasts
- OS10 Marine Litter and Microplastic Monitoring and Understanding
- OS11 Observing and Predicting the Global Coastal Ocean
- OS13 Ocean Salinity in Support of Scientific and Environmental Demands
- OS14 Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) Ocean Shots for 2030
- OS15 Coastlines and People (CoPe)
- OS16 Transdisciplinary and transnational research and collaborations to support ocean sustainability
- OS17 Syncing Silos: Bridging Scientific Divides in Government to Improve Responsible Stewardship of Ocean Resources
- OS20 Linking the mesoscale circulation, geochemistry, and ecology of the Gulf of Mexico
AI - Air-Sea Interaction
Education and Policy Session
ED - Education & Outreach
- ED01 Student Symposium
- ED02 Education, Outreach, and Citizen Science for Coastal Processes
- ED03 Undergraduate student-faculty collaboration in ocean science research: How to foster meaningful frameworks for research and the results of those efforts.
- ED04 Adventures, Challenges, and Benefits of Conducting International Collaborative Research
- ED06 Enabling Remote Ocean Science and Educational Opportunities, Lessons Learned During a Global Pandemic and Benefits for the Future
- ED07 Democratizing Data: Environmental Data Access and its Future
- ED08 Addressing Barriers to Minoritized Scholars Entering Internship, Fellowship, and Graduate Programs in the Ocean SciencesDS05 Time Travel, Legacy an
- ED09 K-12 Youth Sessions: K-12 Youth Ocean Science Research Presentations
- ED10 Fostering the Development of Collaborative Scientists, Projects, and Environments in Research Internships, Graduate Programs, and the Workforce
- ED11 Global capacity development in ocean science for sustainable development
- ED12 Undergraduate Research in Marine and Aquatic Sciences
OP - Ocean Policy and the Blue Economy
- OP04 Marine Renewable Energy: Resource Characterization, Bio-physical interactions, and Societal Impacts
- OP06 Advancing the Blue Economy Following Sustainable Practices
- OP07 United States Contributions to Global Ocean Plastic
- OP08 Working together for a sustainable future: bridging the gap between science and policy
- OP09 National Priorities for Ocean Exploration and Characterization within the US EEZ
- OP12 Pollution, Contaminants and Plastics in the Marine Environment
ED - Education & Outreach
Innovative Session
- IN01 Plastic litter pathways between land, freshwater and oceans
- IN02 Small Islands, Big Ocean – ecological, physical and human connections in the Pacific
- IN03 Indigenous Partnerships for a Sustainable Ocean
- IN04 Winds of Change: Integrating Social, Biological, and Physical Sciences in Off-Shore Energy Development
- IN05 Exploring the Science-Technology-Innovation Interface for the Ocean Decade
- IN08 Open Ocean Science
- IN09 Innovations and Integrations of Alternate Platforms and Sensors for Ecosystem Understanding
- IN12 Ocean #SciArt: What can ocean scientists and artists learn by working together?
- IN13 Ocean-based CDR: Opportunities and Challenges
- IN14 Developing social indicators of resilience and vulnerability in coastal communities
- IN15 Teaching concrete concepts in a virtual world: New modalities for engaging undergraduates in ocean sciences
Scientific Session